It's Monday and I'm losing track of time. So tired after the lights last night, which were glorious. Today I remembered that I had offered some skagastrond women a bit of a photo shoot today at 2pm. I was a little worse for wear and they were certainly more 'gone' than me at the celebration in Saturday night. So when 2pm came and no-one came I wasn't surprised at all. However, just as I'd put my slippers on and settled down to some work, two people turned up at the studio for photos. Luckily the rain has stopped and although it was bitterly cold, the light, as usual, was perfect. Not direct sunlight but so light because of all the snow still around. So today was about chatting to and photographing these lovely people.
So easy to photograph people who have a great look and when the light is as perfect.
These from yesterday were a piece of cake for the reasons above.
I'm trying to get the raw materials together to make a start on a layered piece but I keep getting sidetracked by beautiful things....
I need to start thinking about how to exhibit some of the work I'm doing here. It seems to me that there'll be a diverse range of pieces which may or may not work together. My MA was all about display and how disparate images work together in a seemingly chaotic way. So that's a possibility, otherwise I would definitely like to produce some large scale prints. I don't want the month to disappear into the mire of other work and 'normal' work/life as it could so easily do.
I also want to come back next year. Same time same place - creature of habit that I am!!
I also photographed one of my fellow artists, for her to show a friend's headwear off (and because it's just perfect light!!)
We've just had some 7 year old kids running around in the studio which was so lovely. Hearing little kids laugh in the quiet of the working space was just what I needed. I'm now thinking about food and entertainment for the evening. I'm delivering a photo session tomorrow - mainly so that all of the group are able to catch the aurora with the range of cameras we all have. My sleeping and eating patterns are all over the place. It's now 6.25 pm and I've had some cashew nuts... All day! I'll probably now go and scoff a burger at the garage. The only place where I can get food which doesn't cost the earth. Although it's still 10 quid a time. Food in Iceland is not cheap.
So now I think I'm signing off. I have Lindisfarne blasting through my headphones.
"And I've been to the places in town
Where the faces hang round
Just to stare at each other
I've looked with them screamed at the moon
Behaved like a buffoon but I soon discovered
Run for home, run as fast, as I can,
Whoa oh oh
Running man
Running for home."
I can't remember whether I put the aurora images up from last night but it was amazing!!! Here's one which was really bright. Sorry if I've already included it.
Pizza and beer sounds champion to me!... and I can't believe all that about people thinking it was a good idea to jump onto a slab of ice!... Right daft! Hope you have a recording of the Karaoke performance!... And yes... I will be ready on Feb 25th to try for Bruce tickets!!! Blizzards of love... Tom J. xxx