Saturday, 16 January 2016

Lists, lists and additional lists.

Interesting that the 2 most prominent words are 'tissues' and 'baby wipes'...

The list is growing and I just want to sit in this warm room and not move. So much to do and not much time. Two weeks and two days to go......

Friday, 15 January 2016

15/01/16 arrrrgggghhhhhh...

2 weeks to go and I'm nowhere near. I can't even decide which socks to take, never mind anything else. And who said taking a hard case was a good idea?? It's much more difficult to sit on and squash shut.

I'll be trying to write something every day once I'm there on the 1st of February, so watch this space!!

Aly X

Ps. wish I could take him with me...