Monday, 1 February 2016

I'm here!

Well despite the wind the flight was uneventful. Sat at the back and it was just like the roller coaster at White city in Whitley bay!! Icelandair are great. You get your own personal video player, so it's possible to watch some small features about the island. (It's only 2 and a bit hours, so rather than watch a film, I caught up with The Archers. That Rob is awful!!! Helen needs to be rescued... Oh and the Iceland documentary was great. It looks breathtaking. 

First glimpses become amazing vistas...

I'm now on the grayline bus to Reykjavik.

Sorry about the guys head!! Just wanted to show you the mountains! 

And now I'm in my first port of call. A hostel called igdlo. Very basic but it's only for 1 night. Taxi booked for the morning to the bus station and 5 hour bus journey booked for the final leg of the trip to get there. Slightly worried that 3 separate people have said check the weather in the north as its almost its own climate... 

The view from igdlo and more importantly...

How exciting is that....? I left some rowntrees fruit pastilles and took bacon and eggs.... Only joking. 

See you tomorrow


Aly x


  1. Looks lovely,but too cold...All well at home apart from force9 gale blowing the trees apart!xxx

  2. Stock up on the chocolate while you can. Xxx
