Monday 25 January 2016

Ongoing preparations and the great SD card search

I remember taking this picture a couple of years ago near Baslow and was too scared to drive over that bit of snow....

So I might have a bit of difficulty with this then.......!!

Today I am searching through drawers and cupboards looking for SD and CF cards. I have found some very old ones that won't even hold a single image from the 36mp camera. It's amazing how things move so fast.

I have spent so much time looking for 'stuff' and working out what to wear etc, that I haven't really thought about what I'm going to do when I'm there! My proposal was a little woolly but I need to go back to it to consider what I'm exploring and how I'm going to make the month work for me in terms of artistic experience, finding out about a totally new environment, getting some great images for all of you wonderful people who have crowd funded me, and, for the sake of Steve and the kids, staying alive!!

Seven days to lift off. Expect musings, more preparation type blogs and out and out panic in the next week.


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